Student Resources

Presentation schedule for Friday:
Each team will have ten minutes to present. There is a 5 minute overtime/transition buffer following each time slot.  All team members will share their audio and video, but only one member of the team should share his/her screen to show the presentation. Questions from the audience can be asked in the chat.  Please monitor this and allow some time at the end of your presentation to answer a few relevant questions. Please take this into consideration and be disciplined with your time. There will be a hard stop at the 14 minute mark.

Session 1 Presentations 

9:00 – 9:10       Opening remarks (Dave Novog)

9:10 – 9:20       Team 1
9:25 – 9:35       Team 2
9:40 – 9:50       Team 3
9:55 – 10:05     Team 4

(Short Break ) 

Session 2 Presentations

10:20 – 10:30    Team 5
10:35 – 10:45    Team 6
10:50 – 11:00    Team 7
11:05 – 11:10    Team 8

Hackathon Website Challenge Links

Team 1: Empower Consultants

Team 2: Catalyst SMR

Team 3: Aura

Team 4: Community Solutions

Team 5: SMR Ring of Fire

Team 6: The SMR

Team 7: SMRs in Your Community

Team 8: Atoms for the North


NOTICE:  Before participating in the SMR Hackaton, you must accept  this release waiver.

The program commences at 9:00 AM EDT on Monday August 17th. Please log on to Hopin between 8:30 – 8:45 AM to ensure that your system is configured correctly, so you can ensure full participation in the event prior to start time.

Please note that Hopin functions best on the Google Chrome browser. It is strongly advised that you connect via the Chrome to minimize technical challenges. If you must connect on Microsoft Edge, please update to the latest version of Edge to minimize errors; old versions are not likely to be supported.

Hopin Virtual Platform

Connecting to the Hackathon:

You will need to set up a Hopin account to access the event.

Details for how to get set up are contained in this Hopin Guide.

  • All lectures will occur on the ‘Stage’.
  • All student team work will occur in the ‘Sessions’. You can access the student breakout sessions via the main conference login.
Student Daily Review Materials
  • Daily reading and other materials for the conference are available to you via Google Drive. There is content for Days 1, 2 and 3. Day 4 and 5 do not have required reading.
Social Media
  • SMR Hackathon is active on Twitter! Please follow us on twitter and feel free to tweet during the event!
  • Twitter Handle: @SmrHack
  • Event Hashtag: #smrhack
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